Behemat, also known as the World Titan, had a legendary friendly rivalry with the twin-headed god Gorkamorka, the two challenging each other to perform ridiculous feats like drinking entire oceans and flattening mountain ranges. Chafing at the bitter constraints of Sigmar’s pantheon, Gorkamorka ... - Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground releases May 27 on PlayStation 4. Pre-order the game now to get an exclusive discount and receive the Spoils of War W
Over the coming weeks, we will be having experts provide insight into how they are building and running lists with each faction in Age of Sigmar. For this overview, we’re looking at what stands out for each faction, how much has changed, and how we might approach some key challenges on...
With near-limitless transformative power, the Disciples of Tzeentch can engage in battle in myriad ways that no mortal could hope to count. To keep it comprehensible in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, they have four Battle Formations in their Faction Pack. TheWyrdflame Hostshowers their foes in a...
All armies in Age of Sigmar belong to one of four Grand Alliances –Order, Chaos, Death, or Destruction. Each fights the others for domination across the multitude of inhabited worlds in the (current) Warhammer universe – known as the Mortal Realms – and brings its own moral compass, ...
Forces of Order A lot of warriors who, theoretically, fight for Sigmar’s faction of Order are either mercenaries for hire or actively evil, so these could be a threat to player characters. Such foes include dwarven Berszerkers and the half-serpent, elven Melusai. Also, heavily armed steam...
Age of Sigmar's Stormcast Eternals are getting a new battletome next month, adding the ability to ally in Cities of Sigmar units Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s 3rd Edition Stormcast Eternals battletome, due out next month, will split the faction into two archetypes, one of which can take Cities...