A Catholic Whig in the Age of Reason: Science, Sociability, and the Everyday Life of William H. KeatingScientist William H. Keating probably reflected on his good fortune in the twilight of 1833. He...Appelhans, Jeffery R.American Philosophical Society...
苏菲玛索演的是个40岁的成熟女人嘛,当然是有理性(reason)的啦。 你如果这样想,就又上当了。 L'âge de raison, is the age, about seven or eight, at which the Catholic Church considers that children can distinguish betweenrightandwrong(le bien et le mal), and may take their firstcommunion. L...
French Enlightenment philosopher, criticized Catholic Church, supported free speech but believed an enlightened despot was the best form of government. enlightened despots Absolute rulers who adopted some enlightened ideas but ruled ruthlessly. Catherine the Great Enlightened despot/Czarina of Russia, outlaw...
“The age of reason refers to the developmental cognitive, emotional, and moral stage in which children become more capable of rational thought, have internalized a conscience, and have better capacity to control impulses (than in previous stages),” explains Dana Dorfman, PhD, psychotherapist...
The Age of Reason Galileo Galilei – Italian astronomer who used the relatively new technology of the telescope to further support the controversial findings of Copernicus. You should also know that Galileo was brought to trial and condemned by the Inquisition (The Catholic Churches assault on non ...
For the Wall Street Journal’s “Historically Speaking” column Age of Reason Ancient Egypt Ancient Rome Bastet Bible black cat cat Catholic Church cats devil Egypt familiar God kitty witch WitchcraftAbout the Author Amanda Foreman Amanda Foreman is the author of the prize-winning best sellers, ‘...
At first, the universities and the Church, by that I include both the Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches, steeped in the tradition of Aristotle and Scholasticism were against them. But in the end, the Age of Scholasticism gave way to the Age of Reason and the Age of Enlightenment....
PartFourThe18thCenturyTheAgeofEnlightenmentinEngland1688-1798 十八世纪 theAgeofReason 英国启蒙时期 概述 •英国文学史上的启蒙运动是英国文学18世纪产生的一种进步思潮。启蒙运动,这一时期的思想家和作家们崇尚理性,认为启蒙教化是改造社会的基本手段,因此18世纪又被称为"理性的时代".在文学领域体现为18世纪上半...
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) The history of the Decline and fall of the Roman empire 罗马帝国衰亡史 Had little formal education but read a lot,7 brothers and sisters, the eldest. Roman Catholic,Was sent to Switzerland afterwards. The rise of Novels Modern English novels originated mainly from th...
The Enlightenment was period in the 1700s when European scientists and philosophers began examining the world through reason rather than religious or spiritual faith. The Enlightenment's leading intellectuals included Sir Isaac Newton, Montesquieu, Volta