Studies focusing not only on mtDNA but also on Y chromosome markers have supported the model of a pioneer colonization in the north-eastern coastal regions of the Iberian Peninsula at the onset of the Iberian Neolithic39,45. On the other hand, the northern part of Spain (Cantabrian fringe) ...
(1983). Die Bedeutung der angewandten Geologie fu¨r die eiszeitgeologische Forschung in der Schweiz. Physische Geographie, 11, 59–72. Schlu¨chter, C. (1989a). The most complete Quaternary record of the Swiss Alpine Foreland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 72, 141–146....
40,41,42,43,44. Studies focusing not only on mtDNA but also on Y chromosome markers have supported the model of a pioneer colonization in the north-eastern coastal regions of the Iberian Peninsula at the onset of the Iberian Neolithic39,45. On the other...
The idea that there was a Copper Age between the Neolithic and Bronze Age was inspired by the discovery of the use of native copper in prehistoric North Am
Bronzezeitliche Gräber mit Rohmetall: Eine Fundgruppe zwischen praktischer Funktion und symbolischer Bedeutung. In Ultra Velum Temporis.Venované Jozefovi Bátorovi k 70. narodeninám. Slovenská Archeológia. Supplementum 1 (Nitra 2020); Kozubová, A., Makarová, E., Neumann, M., Eds.; ...