第一句是出自爵士时代The Jazz Age "It was an age of miracles, it was an age of art, it was an age of excess, and it was an age of satire。第二段话应该是出自This Side of Paradise,天堂的另一面。引用英文版原文如下:Here was a new generation, shouting the old cries, lear...
George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles: Incarnation, Doubt, and Reenchantment, Timothy Larsen, IVP, 2018 (ISBN 978‐0‐8308‐5373‐1), viii+152 pp., pb $16doi:10.1111/rirt.13611Lookadoo, JonathonJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdReviews in Religion and Theology...
Love, Light and Miracles! - Deb("All that you are and all that you do - create the beauty of the weave.") Van & Kathy Maycock Soothing, Sleep Aid Music I bought your Celestial Sounds of Harmony and Light CD Volume 1 and I use it as my night time sleep aid. What a wonderful wa...
Home > List of Issues > Table Of Contents > From Ockham's razor to Rube Goldberg: Don't rely on forensic age-dating miracles Browse journal View all volumes and issues Current issue Most read articles Most cited articles Submit Call for papers Instructions for authors Submit ...
Considered objectively, these advances are something close to miracles – and they‘re still in their infancy. Billions of Innovators, Coming Soon 【9 】In addition to powerful and useful AI, the other recent development that promises to further accelerate the second machine age is the digital ...
While Schuller was featuring Jampolsky and hisCourse in Miracles-based teachings on the Hour of Power, Walsch and Williamson were in the process of reinventing their Global Renaissance Alliance of New Age leaders. Their Global Renaissance Alliance would soon be renamed the Peace Alliance. They were...
I am here to say that The great change is“the Digital age”(Today I would like to present my paper“)In the first part of the report,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the***,and then dis cuss in more detail specific issue***.My presentation will cover the...
du protoplasme se transformant, au bout d'un nombre donne de siecles, en un homunculus, en un Shakespeare, la simple for- mation d'un nucleus qui ferait passer la monere 81'e13t d'amoeba, depasse- raient en merveilleux toutes les speculations de Platon, tous les miracles de la Genese...
Love, Light and Miracles! - Deb("All that you are and all that you do - create the beauty of the weave.") Van & Kathy Maycock Soothing, Sleep Aid Music I bought your Celestial Sounds of Harmony and Light CD Volume 1 and I use it as my night time sleep aid. What a wonderful wa...
oversight and that Blanchard would stop endorsing New Age books, Blanchardendorsed Jon Gordon's The 10 Minute Energy Solution.9 In this book, Gordon favorablyquotes and references numerous New Age sources including A Course in Miracles, Wayne Dyer, Marilyn Ferguson, Paramahansa Yoga...