Documentary follows the playful and poignant adventures of thirty 70- to 90-year-olds who attend a speed dating event in search of another chance at love.
Teen-age Fantasies: An Adult Documentary: Directed by Frank Spokeman. With Cindy Adams, Nancy Binghampton, Art Dolores, Sandy Frankel. An explicit series of erotic vignettes centering on the sexual fantasies of adolescents: A nervous young woman makes lo
** 1/2 (out of 4) Adult film pretends to be a documentary and tell us what various girls fantasize about. The stories include a dorky guy being seduced, an old man getting to revisit his high school days, a girl wanting a guy to really love her and another girl who gets turned on...
Love & Sex in an Age of Pornography: Directed by David Corlett, Maree Crabbe. With Amber Baur, Lou Charmelle, Lily Cloutang-Crompton, Anthony Duran.
Teen-age Fantasies: An Adult Documentary (1972) X 67 min | Adult Edit page Add to list Track An explicit series of erotic vignettes centering on the sexual fantasies of adolescents: A nervous young woman makes love with a sensitive nice guy; an old man has sex with a teenage girl; a ...
"I love all three of the women in the film." -- Eve Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues as seen on Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage your school or community by hosting a screening of this powerful film, and have a post-screening discussion about how we can better su...
While working in microfinance, Tang Yang helped the families of military martyrs start businesses, and Jiang Shiyan used their resilient stories as material for a documentary, which gained widespread attention. Throughout this process, the trust and tacit understanding they had developed since their ...
"I love all three of the women in the film." -- Eve Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues as seen on Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage your school or community by hosting a screening of this powerful film, and have a post-screening discussion about how we can better su...
Despite having been inducted into the Erotic Hall of Fame a few years back, Juliet has no interest in today's porn. "I recently saw [the PBS Frontline documentary]'American Porn.'It was so totally different than anything I experienced. We were treated nicely." When I ask her what she ...
Blume’s fans admire her own biographical tale of second-wave feminist awakening and liberation: to accompany theMargaretmovie, Amazonreleaseda documentary tribute in which celebrities like Molly Ringwald rave, “Everything I learned about sex or crushes, I learned from Judy.” ...