更多外文名:Winnifred Jacqueline Fraser-Bisset (本名) IMDb编号:nm0000302 职业:演员 / 导演 / 制片人 关注2322人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 杰奎琳Bisset一直是国际1960年代末以来的电影明星。 她收到了她的第一个角色主要是因为她惊人的美丽,但随着时间的推移,她已经成为一个好演员尊敬影迷和影评的喜爱。 Bisse...
The single mother then thought to finish her career and gave all her time to lovely kids. She along with her live-in partner, Bill Day (filmmaker) moved the family to Palisades (New York). However, they moved back to Los Angeles when the actress was 11. She is the niece of singer a...
Jacqueline Bisset, Shelley Winters, Rita Moreno and Diana Quick, not to mention ex-wives Jane Wenham (mother of his only son, Simon) and Anouk Aimee (who left Finney for Ryan O'Neal).Confessing that he used to date more than one woman at a time, he admits: 'I was a great womaniser...
Jacqueline Bisset Jacqueline Pearce Jacqueline Scott James Anderson James Arness James Broderick James Caan James Cagney James Coco James Earl Jones James Ellison James Farentino James Garner James Gregor...
更多外文名:Winnifred Jacqueline Fraser-Bisset (本名) IMDb编号:nm0000302 职业:演员 / 导演 / 制片人 关注2347人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 杰奎琳Bisset一直是国际1960年代末以来的电影明星。 她收到了她的第一个角色主要是因为她惊人的美丽,但随着时间的推移,她已经成为一个好演员尊敬影迷和影评的喜爱。 Bisse...