[...] Catholic Church in 1751, Montesquieu's masterpiece, De l'Esprit des lois (Spirit of the laws) marked a turning point in the European Age of Enlightenment. wdl.org De l'Esprit des lois(《论法的精神》)出版于 1748 年,是孟德斯鸠 (Montesquieu) 的代表作,在 1751 年被天主教会列为...
Jewish philosopherMoses Mendelssohnwas among those who responded, referring to Enlightenment as a process by which man was educated in the use of reason.[80]Immanuel Kantalso wrote a response, referring to Enlightenment as “man's release from his self-incurred tutelage”, tutelage being “man's...
1.Enlightenment启蒙时代 TheEnlightenmentMovementTheAgeofReason理性时代AnintellectualmovementOriginatedinFranceSupportedbytherulingandintellectuaralclasses TheAgeofReason理性时代 TheEnlightenmentcharacterizestheeffortsbycertainEuropeanwriterstousecriticalreasontofreemindsfromprejudice,unexaminedauthorityandoppresionbyChurchorState...
21.1.1: Enlightenment Ideals Centered on the idea that reason is the primary source of authority and legitimacy, the Enlightenment was a philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the 18th century. Learning Objective Identify the core ideas that drove the Age of Enlighte...
wholeworldwiththelightofmodern philosophicalandartisticideas.The eighteenthcenturymarkedthebeginningof anintellectualmovementinEuropeknownas theEnlightenmentMovement. 启蒙运动是指欧洲近代资产阶 级上升时期伴随资产阶级政治上的 反封建斗争而展开的反对封建传统 ...
The Age of Reason contained a lot of contemplation. It represented change in the way that man viewed himself, the universe, and God. The Age of Reason included a shorter time period called the Age of Enlightenment. This was a time of reasoning and exploration. Philosopher Immanuel …show mor...
The-Age-of-Enlightenment-9PPT优秀课件 TheAgeofEnlightenment TheAgeofEnlightenment IntroductionHistoricalContext FrenchPhilosophyandLiteratureEnglishLiterature GermanPhilosophyandLiteratureArtandMusic Introduction •Intellectualmovement•thesecondhalfof18th•France•FrenchPhilosophers•AgeofReason P.231 Enlightenment...
In the 17th century, the picture of knowledge theory was impacted by Enlightenment thinking. René Descartes (1596–1650), first of the century's rationalist thinkers, studied epistemology—the nature of knowledge—among many other subject areas, and he wrote his arguments in exquisite, granular, ...
The Enlightenment thinkers found both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches oppressive. They mistrusted traditional religious beliefs such as miracles, divine intervention and the claim that Jesus was the son of God. Although some Enlightenment thinkers, such as French-German philosopher Paul Thiry ...