《帝国时代:罗马复兴》(Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome)是微软推出的一款即时战略型游戏。《帝国时代:罗马复兴》是《帝国时代》的资料片。玩家在游戏中扮演古罗马时期的领袖,通过收集资源、建立基地、训练军队来扩张自己的文明。游戏特色在于其丰富的兵种、战斗武器和对历史时代的模拟,以及独特的“UnitRush”技术...
《帝国时代》(英语:Age of Empires,简称AoE;港台地区译为“世纪帝国”)是一个根据历史而制作的即时战略游戏。游戏由全效工作室开发,微软于1997年发行到Windows和Macintosh平台。这款可以让玩家操纵历史上某个真实民族的游戏,受到电玩市场热烈的欢迎。后来有许多公司也竞相推出类似的游戏,像《地球帝国》、《国家的...
Age of Empires: Mobile AoE: Mobile (external) App Store The official mobile war strategy game from the iconic Age of Empires franchise. Dive into an epic war strategy experience with rich real-time controls, stunning visuals and historical heroes on grand battlefields. Seize the reins of your ...
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Age of Empires are the critically acclaimed, award winning Real Time Strategy (RTS) games from World's Edge Studio with a legacy spanning over 20 years and
《帝国时代》(Age..《帝国时代》(Age of Empires Mobile)手游国际服已于 2024 年 10 月 17 日正式上线,该游戏由腾讯旗下 Level Infinite 发行,天美工作室群开发,将经典《Ag
The wiki about the Age of Empires series, the real-time strategy games developed by Ensemble Studios, that anyone can edit!
A fan-made community server that brings the excellent Age of Empires Online back to life! Complete co-op quests with your friends or challenge their skills in the PvP arena. Join the community and participate in tournaments or gain high level gear in co-
Welcome to a world called Age of Empires III. New Feature – Home Cities Players have access to their own European Home City for economic, technological and military support as you establish your colony in the New World. Your Home City’s success depends on you, with your city’s improvemen...
The agecommunity.com and ensemblestudios.com web sites have been sunset in favor of ageofempires.com, the official home of the Age of Empires Franchise.