The Last City would temporarily be invaded and conquered by the Red Legion, after the Cabal forces in the Solar System relayed an emergency request for help to the Empire. However, after the death of Ghaul and liberation of the Last City, the age of the Last City would continue on as ...
我个人很喜欢patrick weeks的《masked empire》甚于david gaider的《asunder》。《asunder》作为DA的粉丝小说是合格的,但作为商业小说则缺乏悬念感,《asunder》讲法环的叛乱,圣法大战的爆发。其实只要知道DA的世界观设定,就知道法师和骑士要么暂时的和平,要么彻底撕破脸,因此《asunder》的剧情走向就毫无悬念了。而小说中...