But their accents are continents apart, from each other as well as from Rome, and that disturbed my suspense of disbelief to such an extent, that I didn't enjoy the acting, plot and setting as much as I should've. But if you're not a nitpicker like me and you like the genre, ...
In any event, while one might technically be able to reproduce at ages around 12, occasional exploitation of such young individuals eventually spurred changes in the laws. As such, over centuries this age has gradually increased in most regions of the world. However, even today in some develope...
PhD's Popular Rationalism about Dr. Peter Hotez. Dr. Hotez is well known to us. He has an adult daughter with autism named Rachel. And he is a vaccine researcher. I can't say we'd share a cocktail if we bumped into each other at a party. Not even a Suffering Bastard. We invite ...
men have been documented in the scientific literature to retain their fertility to as old an age as 94.20 It is well known that the Senior Senator in the US. Congress, Senator Strom Thurman, fathered a child at age 81 years. Similarly ...
i love that she pokes holes in it, even as she’s playing along. i find that incredibly savvy. knowing that she would’ve been perhaps a senator or an entrepreneur if she was allowed, but that was not what women were up to then. they were not permitted. what else did you do to ...
As Election Day approaches, I am experiencing mixed emotions. I am feeling run-of-the-mill trepidation to off-the-charts trepidation. I am not debilitated because my partner and close friends are here to support each other and because I write a political blog. ...
The word of the Emperor was subverted wholesale by corrupt ideologues, each struggling to usurp total control for themselves. In time, the Ministorum exercised such power that it began to dictate the policies of the Senatorum Imperialis of the High Lords of Terra. The head of the state ...
1979 when he met with Joe Fendley, Sr., the 32-degree Freemason who owned the granite finishing company that eventually built the monument. The diagram below illustrates the metric dimensions (and resulting proportions) specified by R.C. Christian for each of the monument’s three component ...
A good friend of mine has been in three psych wards over the past year, and one of them did allow food in the rooms. That one was considerably more low-security. We (visitors) even got to keep our phones on us if we promised to keep them off. Of course, this was the hospital th...
Seated on a Chippendale chair and writing on a portable typewriter with three fingers of each hand ("most amateur typists can only use two," she says proudly), she takes from six weeks to three months to produce a whodunit. She is still capable of producing two a year and has based fou...