Whenever you are out, make sure you're easily accessible on your cell phone. If you do feel the need to check in, keep those calls or texts to a minimum to show trust in your child and so that you can enjoy your time away.
I know that many people wish to lower their everyday exposure to aluminium while not everyone is sold on the philosophy of silicon-rich natural waters. The latter is your best defence if you can make this part of your everyday life. However, the former is achievable if you think twice ab...
Return On Education: Unless you finishedgetting your PhDin your 30s, you've spent enough time getting a return on your education. If you did go to college into your 30s, then the ideal retirement age is probably between 51-60. Again, a good goal is to work longer than you've spent i...
Where "date de naissance" refers to the DOB column. It calculates, but it isn't calculating correctly. For a DOB of 01/07/2002, it's giving 102 years. I tried inversing the DOB to see if it would work but no. And I also tried 2024/01/01 for the date in the formula to n...
The only thing is that difference in years is duplicated here. But if you don't need to use it inline you can write it like this: DECLARE @AGE INT = DATEDIFF(YY, @DOB, @NOW) IF DATEADD(YY, @AGE, @DOB) > @NOW SET @AGE = @AGE - 1 Solution 2: This one I ...
Rock and roll is about having a good time, so no matter where you are right now blast some music and forget about lifes problems. — Andy Biersack 132 With music, one's whole future life is brightened. This is such a treasure in life that it helps us over many troubles and difficult...
The latest entry in the Asphalt series, Asphalt 9: Legends, is getting ready to release its first ever expansion, Asphalt Legends Unite, bringing with it a whole new world for its drivers to play in.
“I understand the existence of labels in every aspect of life, because it helps us find things. I happen to have been placed in this New Age category, but I think almost anyone who takes my album home couldn’t care less if it’s called New Age or not.” ...
"Are you doing dishes at all to keep you humble somewhat or are you just like, can you stay up till 4 in the morning with them and party?""I mean, I could. I actually stayed up longer than them," Usher said. "You're a dad now, would you ever send your kid to P...