This research was prepared for the Women Deliver 2019 conference as part of our knowledge partnership with Women Deliver. We used MGI's models on automation and the future of work to create scenarios for ...
Vergence movements are binocular co-ordinated movements in opposite directions in order to move the point of fixation towards, or away from the subject. Convergence movements can be observed in infants using a large visual target, moved slowly towards the nose in primary gaze from approximately two...
While Vieno Vehko empathises with millennials’ burden of tuition debt, she also finds it hard to respect a group that neither reads critically nor takes responsibility for its learning
In this study, 1581 genes were differentially expressed at more than one time point, but only 966 of them had a gene ID corresponding to the expressed genes in our study. We re-performed GO enrichment analysis of these genes using the topGO package to match our study. Fisher's exact ...