Call an “Uber for kids” – specialty ride services created specifically to transport children. The Driver’s Side While Uber’s age limit didn’t allow people under 18 to create accounts, the truth is that many young teens found ways around the rule by using their parents’ accounts or t...
The new rule applies only to drivers signing up to transport passengers with Uber's ride-hailing platform, and not for those delivering food with Uber Eats. Previously, people as young as 21 could sign up to drive customers, and the age limit for deliveries was 19. Those under 25 who act...
I have to say I loved Cameron. She’s a free spirit and mature beyond her years. I loved the way she pursued Everett but also didn’t take his sh*t when the uber grump came out. She pushed him until she wore him down and when he finally gives in, FIREWORKS. I catch my breath an...
Goldman Sachs issues surprising gold price target for 2025 The investment firm's analysts share their views about the precious metal. TSLA Investing News, Analysis, and Tips Feb 21, 2025 10:13 AM EST UnitedHealth stock plunges on report of DoJ Medicare Advantage probe ...
knowledge, the result was hearings on capitol hill and the introduction of several bills to strengthen privacy protections for location data—both from cars and from mobile devices. 71 transportation experts, though, worry that the bills might also limit “the collection of aggregate and anonymous ...
For short run trips. And there is still a bunch of folks who commute way more than 5 miles. Consider yourself lucky and not the average. So…still lots of demand. “Funny, thinking on “future demand”. WHAT “demand”? EV’s + “autonomous...
While UberMedia has a specific link at the bottom of its website to opt out from app-related tracking, that page tells mobile device users to go to the Apple or Android website and follow directions to limit ad tracking, rather than allowing them to opt out directly from the company site...
Not even no real underground s***, x-raided, Brotha lynch, Black moon, Smiff and wessun, no limit and hot boyz were poppin,. Whoever wrote this list needs to hang up his opinion cause its a horrible list, I put my hip hop Knowledge against anyone, and you my friend just put ...
confronted the fact of moving their support and activities online with the consequent difficulties for those who are not tech-savvy or lack reliable connectivity. Both situations impacted Brazilian immigrants in different ways during the COVID-19 pandemic and highlighted the agency they displayed in co...
Previous research has observed low ride-hail (e.g., Uber) use among older adults and identified some factors related to use. However, uptake of technology changes quickly and pandemic-related factors (e.g., social distancing) may have affected ride-hail use. The Pew Research Center's ...