12.(Law)of ageadult and legally responsible for one's actions (usually at 18 or, formerly, 21 years) vb,ages,ageing,agingoraged 13.to grow or make old or apparently old; become or cause to become old or aged 14.to begin to seem older:to have aged a lot in the past year. ...
Group plans and insurers also may not limit dependent coverage based on whether the child is married, although the law does not extend the mandate for access to coverage to the married child's spouse and/or children. Grandfathered group health plans are not required to offer coverage to adult...
The sibling-comparison design has a number of limitations and assumptions, however, that can limit the internal and external validity of the findings.25-27,29,30 We therefore estimated the effects of APA using numerous additional family-based, quasi-experimental designs,25 including the comparison ...
The analyses controlled for whether states had a seatbelt law, the legal blood alcohol limit, beer taxes, and vehicle miles traveled. Of note, this study did not explore whether the traffic deaths were alcohol related. After adjusting for changes in the population for that age during the time...
hand, a female driver with poor credit could pay more for car insurance than a male driver with great credit. However, this also depends on location. Insurance companies in California, Hawaii, Massachusetts and Michigan limit or restrict the use of credit-based insurance scores as rating factors...
Taken together, these social changes, including migration, urbanization, and social policy implementation, may limit filial practices and challenge the dominant role of the offspring-based eldercare pattern [25]. Moreover, people born/raised within these social changes may develop or reshape eldercare...
3.the particular period of life at which a person becomes qualified or disqualified for something:to be over the age for military service. 4.one of the periods or stages of human life:middle age. 5.advanced years; old age:His eyes were dim with age. ...
Coverage limit The last factor that determines your life insurance premium is your policy’s coverage limit. The more life insurance you need, the more expensive your insurance premium will usually be. If you pass away while the policy is inforce, your insurance company agrees to pay your bene...
The average FICO® credit score for those aged between 18–26 is 680. Consumers in this age bracket are only starting to build their scores. These consumers may have a low-limitstudent credit cardand are making payments towards their student loans. A low income, short payment history and ...
Rural-Urban Differences in Health Insurance Coverage and Patterns Among Working-Age Adults in Kentucky Context: Past studies show that rural populations are less likely than urban populations to have health insurance coverage, which may severely limit their ... L Ning,ME Samuels,PR Kletke,... -...