The Age of Onset of Menstruation in Egyptian GirlsClocksSiliconSynchronizationProtocolsDelaysDistributed databasesloosely synchronized clockssnapshot isolationdistributed transactionspartitioned dataNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1471-0528.1909.tb01873.xMrs.) B. Sheldon Elgood M.B. (...
Nadine Thornhill, a Toronto-based sex educator, tellsToday’s Parentthat parents of kids this age should also avoid connecting sexual biology to gender: For example, drop the idea that all boys have penises and all girls have vaginas. Instead say, “People with penises” or “People with vag...
Margaret’s hatred for puberty is so intense that she does not even tell Carrie about menstruation, leading to the novel’s opening scene in which Carrie gets her first period and believes she’s about to die. The bleeding she deals with, though normal, takes on a violent meaning for her...
Provides basic information on the menarcheal age of colored girls of known socioeconomic status from Cape Town, South Africa. Average age when the girls begin menstruation; Standard deviation from the average age; Menarcheal age of blacks compared to white South African girls.Hennenberg...
It marks the stage at which they become capable of full sexual intercourse, and, for girls, of experiencing menstruation, both of which stages are often of crucial psychological significance. It introduces the possibility of procreation, which immediately implies stringent social control. ...
Puberty: Puberty is a process that is experienced by most (if not all) people. Through this process, a person's sexual and reproductive organ attains maturity. In general, females start puberty faster than males. Answer and Explanation: ...
Mean Girls This hilarious coming-of-age movie is a must-watch for any femme tween or teen dealing with the inevitable mean girl at their own school. When Cady finds herself in a new school, dividing her time between the it-crowd and her “nerdier” best friends, she quickly finds out ...
When is the right time to talk to children about menarche and menstruation? Should these conversations only be for girls, or should boys be informed too? Do you think that talking about menstruation should be considered taboo in social gat...
Many cultural, physical, emotional, and hormonal changes may occur in a teen's life, even past 18. As a parent or an adolescent experiencing these transitions, stress, anxiety, or depression may occur. Therapy and other mental health services can be highly beneficial tools for young girls and...
“regular” puberty is not in the signs , but in the timing. I find it interesting that in this article the signs of puberty for girls is detailed solely as breast development and the onset of menstruation, but when I talk to parents about the signs of puberty they are worried about it...