Sequential administration of Prevnar 13 and PNEUMOVAX 23 in healthy participants 50 years of age and olderPneumococcal vaccinesafetyimmunogenicitysequential administrationIn most countries worldwide, pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have been included in the infant immunization program, resulting in a significant...
The vaccine is formulated to contain 2.2 μg of each saccharide, except for 4.4 μg of 6B, per 0.5 mL dose, is supplied in single-dose syringes without preservatives and stored at 2–8 °C. PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23®, Merck & Co., Inc.; Lot Numbers 0993U, 0486U, A0984-2) ...
the multiplicity of different strains of the pathogen, with over ninety serotypes ofS. pneumoniaeidentified to date [5]. Currently, 13-valent (PCV13; Prevenar 13®) and 23-valent (PPSV23; Pneumovax®) are the only vaccines currently approved in France for the prevention of PD in adults...