We used an independent, supervised approach to identify other gene sets/pathways important for predicting the response to the HBV vaccine. The EM131 elderly cohort was randomly split into a training cohort (2/3 of the study participants) and a test cohort (1/3 of the participants). We were...
MMR has injured many of our children. MMR has been at the center of the autism/vaccine debate for decades. MMR has been reworked, its data fudged, its elements changed, its very existence sued by its very manufacturers own scientists. Measles has been the TrojanHorse used to ram through la...
career ruined, exiled, for speaking truth to power . . Still, most doctors and nurses truly believe they are doing the right thing (except for the frightened nurses who don't want to take a flu shot, either). Just talk to a Defeat Autism ...
Olivieri, F., Recchioni, R., Marcheselli, F., Marie Abbatecola, A., Santini, G., Borghetti, G., Antonicelli, R., Domenico Procopio, A. Cellular senescence in cardiovascular diseases: Potential age-related mechanisms and implications for treatment. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, 19: 17...
Background:The long-term protective effect of hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), the incidence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine breakthrough infections (VBIs), and whether a booster HepB is necessary remain to be clarified in children born to mothers with chronic HBV infection. Methods:Based on ...
A total of 879 eligible children aged 12–23 months were included in this study. We investigated age-appropriate administration of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine (BCG); hepatitis B vaccine (Hep B); oral polio vaccine (OPV); pentavalent vaccine; and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR)...
•DTaP, hepatitis B virus, and IPV vaccine (DTaP-HepB-IPV vaccine; Pediarix) for the three dose primary series for children six weeks through six years of age •DTaP, IPV, and Hib vaccine (DTaP-IPV/Hib vaccine; Pentacel) for a four-dose series for children six...
For a dog under five months of age, it must be covered by a certificate issued by a registered veterinary surgeon along [...] legco.gov.hk 若狗隻年齡少於五個月,則 必須持有 由註冊獸醫簽發的證明書連同一份寵物飼 養人士的聲明,證明該狗隻是聲明所列已領有牌照母 狗的後代。 legco....
Ten-year survival analysis for renal carcinoma patients treated with an autologous tumour lysate vaccine in an adjuvant setting About 30% of renal cell carcinomas (RCC) will develop recurrence after surgery. Despite evidence for a significantly improved survival by autologous tumour... M May,S Broo...
Living long is a biological process characterized by progressive alterations in tissue/organ function, often associated with increased risk of chronic diseases. Among major theories...