People over 65 years of age to be offered flu vaccine booster jabs for the 2018-19 seasondoi:10.7748/nop.30.2.7.s6INFLUENZA vaccinesMEDICAL care for older peopleIMMUNIZATION of older peopleSEASONAL influenzaOlder people should be given a new flu vaccine next year to improve ...
has been ushered in to defend the flu vaccine in pregnant women following the news that the vaccine may be causal in miscarriages. Paul Offit claims to want to protect and save babies. Offit, "Scarer-in-Chief" for Pharma, author of such gems as "Autism's False Prophets: Bad...
John - tip-toeing in children IS a long standing recognised condition within the NHS and the shoe inserts are recognised orthotic appliances. Since a professional podiatric assessment is necessary and the inserts are 'made to measure' for each child, this treatment is quite expensive for the NHS...
“"Call me old fashioned, but I think JABS should know better than to invoke poor Mrs xxxxx saying - presumably out of ignorance - that "legal aid was mysteriously taken away". There was no mystery, as Jackie surely knows. It followed the exchange of reports. In f...
if you think U.S. youth are majorly suitable for complex jobs with all those jabs since infancy and childhood… if you think the USA is a wonderful and free nation, you are either in denial, stupid, evil (if you work in govt) or all three. The USA is not ever “coming back”, ...
get the coverage up for the vaccines we have; and then invent the vaccines -- and we only need about six or seven more -- and then you would have all the tools to reduce childhood death, reduce population growth, and everything -- the stability, the environment -- benefits from tha...