Classical ecological theory has proposed several determinants of food chain length, but the role of metacommunity dynamics has not yet been fully considered. By modelling patchy predator-prey metacommunities with extinction-colonization ... V Calcagno,F Massol,N Mouquet,... - 《Proceedings Biological...
Survival analyses were used, and each analysis considered men and women separately. RESULTS: Among the 4724 women and 4029 men who were virgins at the beginning of the period, the median AFS was 18.5 and 19.2 years, respectively. In multivariable models, factors associated with earlier AFS ...
offspring from parents that had successfully converged were more capable of limiting bacterial growth at an early age compared to offspring from non-converging parents (TablesS3andS4). However, this effect was significantly more pronounced in young, male offspring ...
participants that were aged between 14.6 and 80.2 years (M = 24.89,SD = 7.91) and consisted of a larger portion (67.88%) of women. As indicated by the mean age, most participants were relatively young in comparison to the large age range. With regard to sexual orientation, 5882 ...
To address our questions surrounding the roles of sex and age in severe COVID-19 disease, we acquired intact female and male (adult and aged) ferrets from Triple F farms for our studies. Ferrets can be considered senior at 3 years of age where they can start showing signs of aging such...
(for nonparametric) correlation coefficients (r) were used to describe the association between independent variables of interest. Differences between male and female were analyzed by unpaired student t-test or Mann-Whitney test (nonparametric test). APvalue <0.05 was considered statistically significant ...
legal age,majority- the age at which persons are considered competent to manage their own affairs nonage,minority- any age prior to the legal age drinking age- the age at which is legal for a person to buy alcoholic beverages voting age- the age at which a person is old enough to vote...
Statistical significance was established by comparing the cross-validated receiver operating characteristic curve of a model that considered shape and confounders of a simpler model that considered only the confounders using the DeLong method,25 a statistical test for comparing the area under receiver ...
30 Whether female-biased immunity following influenza vaccination is maintained across the life course is rarely considered. Further, the assays used to evaluate influenza vaccine-induced antibody responses may yield differential findings, which also is seldom addressed. In the current study, sex/gender...
support provided by biomechanists, physiologists, sport psychologists, nutritionists, etc.), personal and socio-economic factors, long and short-term plans, considered together with injuries and illnesses data (e.g. what competitions swimmers might be focusing on over a period of years, and how ...