Written and directed by Jacobs,“His Three Daughters” follows three estranged sisters reuniting to care for their terminally ill father in his Brooklyn apartment. The film premiered at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival and was acquired by Netflix for a reported $7 million. It has ...
On day 3, the chondrocytes were treated with 25nmol of siRNA to Klotho, or a non-targeting scramble control (GE healthcare Dharmacon) in antibiotic-free chondrocyte growth media for 6 hours. The chondrocytes were then washed twice with media and cultured for an additional 48 hours. The ...
Bjertnes for outstanding animal care. We thank C. Regan and J. Preall for technical support in performing scRNA-seq. We thank E. de Stanchina, K. Chen, G. Gunset, P. Moody, L. Tellez Perez, M. Trousdell and D. Chatterjee for technical assistance. We thank S. Devlin and T. Ha ...
The development and application of epigenetic predictors for healthcare research has grown dramatically over the last decade [1]. These predictors can aid disease risk stratification and are based on associations between CpG DNA methylation (DNAm) and age, health, and lifestyle outcomes. DNAm is ...
Adrianne Pasquarelli is a senior reporter at Ad Age, covering marketing in retail and finance, as well as in travel and health care. She is also a host of the Marketer’s Brief podcast and spearheads special reports including 40 Under 40 and Hottest Brands. Pasquarelli joined Ad Age in 201...
praised Hamilton-Smith for her authority, warmth, and ability to connect with audiences, saying the team is thrilled to have her on board. Hamilton-Smith, a recipient of a Queensland Mental Health Media Award, has covered a wide range of topics, including aged care, mental health and ...
The authors would like to thank the Hong Kong Childhealth Foundation, Hong Kong Education Bureau, Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, and all the students and schools participating in the School Physical Fitness Award Scheme. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest....
Pelosi’s popularity declined, however, as the economy continued to struggle and as opposition to legislation she had championed—notably health care reform and the stimulus package—increased. In the lead-up to the 2010 midterm elections, she became a target of Republican attacks and a rallying...
All SectionsBiomedical OpticsClinical Diagnosis and PrognosisClinical Laboratory MedicineDiagnostic Microbiology and Infectious DiseaseMachine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in DiagnosticsMedical Imaging and TheranosticsPathology and Molecular DiagnosticsPoint-of-Care Diagnostics and DevicesGeneral ...
The winners tally also includes three health care agencies, three media agencies, two branding and brand consulting firms, and one firm each in the fields of business transformation, event/experiential marketing and public relations. Among the 50 winners, nearly half—24—have headquarters in the ...