Recent British elections have seen much discussion about the relationship between age and voting behaviour. British politics seems increasingly polarised along age lines, with younger voters being more likely to support the Labour party and older voters more likely to support the Conservatives. This...
This chapter provides a detailed overview of theories related to the relationship between age and politics (in particular, the voting choice), along with some historical and empirical examples. Furthermore, it introduces the reader to the so-called life-cycle, generation and period effects in ...
A sample of 1,681 (n = 557 males) participants provided data on demographics, the Big Five as well as Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) alongside the number of different news sources consumed and current voting preferences. Results showed that age (positively), gender (higher in males), ...
Back in the ‘olden times’ before the invention of digital photography never mind video we studied fish behaviour using a simple camera and film that had to be sent away to be developed.READ MORE AND SEE THE GRAPHICS HERE. Posted byAge of Autismon January 06, 2025 at 06:00 AM inCurren...
The Brain Genomics Support Project (BGSP) is a comprehensive collection of neuroimaging, behaviour, cognitive, and personality data. This large-scale imaging dataset includes information on over 1,500 healthy subjects, encompassing variables such as age, BMI, and gender. The dataset comprises a sing...
This is a commentary to one of theoddest events in modern British politicswhich occurred in the House of Commons last week when MP Andrew Bridgen got up to give a speech on the Covid shot fallout and the entire chamber emptied - involving the unusual behaviour of veteran Foreign Office minis...
This would be more accurate than polling. And maybe even elections. Can an AI act as our representative? Could it do a better job than a human at voting the preferences of its constituents? Can we have an AI in our pocket that votes on our behalf, thousands of times a day, based on...
Some useful information in this regard can be obtained by examining Charters and observing the behaviour of different Central Banks, and also how the UK government decided on whether or not to join the MU (see footnote 5). In the debate on monetary policy strategies, economists often contrast...
United Nations: “any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent,...
This behaviour started with the stunning 2013 Edward Snowden revelations of sweepingUS government surveillance programsthat gave the NSA “unprecedented [military] access to civilian communications”, allowing them to slurp emails, photos, videos, live chats and more from the servers ofApple,Google,Skyp...