AgbioInvestor Secures Services of Dr Matthew Phillips Date:Jun. 20, 2018 AgbioInvestor are delighted to announce that they have secured the services of Dr Matthew Phillips to act in the role of Consultant and Advisor on behalf of the... ...
a web-driven service providing news and analysis to the global investment community and agrochemical and seeds & traits industries, Address:Suite 18, Vineyard Business Centre, Pathhead, Midlothian, Scotland, EH37 5XP Website: More Picture...
AgbioInvestor launches a new Special Report, The Crop Protection Market: Insects Weeds & Diseases. The Report meets industry demand for a more complete understanding with crop protection market values split by the key pest types. Learn More
Discover information about genetically modified (GM) crops with AgbioInvestor GM Monitor, a free service from AgbioInvestor. Includes interactable and downloadable data covering areas, production, trade, and approval status.
英国Agbioinvestor公司 简介 AgbioInvestor成立于2017年,旨在提供涵盖全球作物保护和种子及性状行业的新闻和分析。 有服务 AgbioNews | AgbioCrop | AgbioSeed | AgbioSelect | AgbioGuide | AgbioTrade | AgbioInvestor MR | Quarterly Briefing Service 地址:Suite 18, Vineyard Business Centre, Pathhead, Midlothian...
Agbioinvestor和Kynetec推出sigma(TM) Select 苏格兰爱丁堡2018年3月6日电 / / -- Agbioinvestor和Kynetec欣然宣布推出两家公司的全新合作产品sigma™ Select,这一市场策略软件平台支持以实惠价格获得全球农业市场研究结果。sigma™ Select这一工具将Kynetec的全球农业市场研究数据和Agbioinvestor居于业内领先地位的自上而...
The team at AgbioInvestor are delighted to announce that subscriptions are now available to our AgbioCrop and AgbioSeed services. AgbioCrop In-depth data and detailed analysis covering the global crop protection industry. The sections, which are updated throughout the year, are comprised of: ...
英国Agbioinvestor公司新闻墨西哥农化品市值达8.9亿美元 UPL占12%市场份额 2023-09-22 AgbioInvestor任命Matthew Phillips 博士为公司咨询师兼顾问 2018-06-20 AgbioInvestor正式推出AgbioCrop和AgbioSeed数据库服务 2018-06-15 Agbioinvestor 与Kynetec 合作发布sigma™ Select 2018-03-14...
Agbioinvestor和Kynetec欣然宣布推出两家公司的全新合作产品sigma(TM) Select,这一市场策略软件平台支持以实惠价格获得全球农业市场研究结果。 苏格兰爱丁堡2018年3月6日电 /美通社/ -- Agbioinvestor和Kynetec欣然宣布推出两家公司的全新合作产品sigma™ Select,这一市场策略软件平台支持以实惠价格获得全球农业市场研究结果。
全球咨询机构Agbio Investor的报告显示,2020年全球植保市场同比增长2.5%,市场规模达到608亿美元,创五年来的最高纪录。受美元对多国货币持续走强(以巴西雷亚尔为代表)的影响,以美元计算的植保市场规模增幅受到汇率的压制。而以固定汇率计算,2020年全球植保市场规模同比增长9.1%。