Agave (uh-GAH-vey) are spiny rosettes of fibrous leaves that can grow into large focal points in a landscape. They come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes and make dramatic statement plants in pots and rock gardens. READ MORE Love Agave? Watch our video with Jeff Moore....
Some of the more tropical species from wetter climates have leaves which are much thinner, reflecting this climatic difference. Agave foliage comes in green and blue to blue-silver. Even within a single batch of seed, offspring will display a wide range of subtle color variants from highly ...
reports show price data on commodities traded at the local wholesale market level. Prices reported in wholesale markets are those received by wholesalers for sales in quantities of less than a carload or truckload, for product that is of good merchantable quality and condition, unless otherwise ...
Agave 'Red Margin' (Jose’s Blue Glow) - A beautiful smaller Agave with solitary rosettes slowly growing to 2 feet tall and 3 feet across with 18 inch long by 1-1 1/2 inch wide blue-green leaves that have red margins that have very tiny soft spines near the leaf base and a stout ...
Third-year plant showing off the malevolent side and terminal spines on its broad leaves I love this plant up close – it's so architectural, with the contrasts between smooth sweeping curves and sharp spines, and between fresh blue-green and burgundy tips Ouch-inducing spines and barbs Four...
“Agaves of Continental North America” and in recent treatments by Bernd Ullrich and Joachim Thiede it has been reduced to subspecies status under Agave filifera from which it differs by being solitary, typically having longer more flexible leaves that are not thickened toward the base and ...
Dear Deer - We're Closed for Dinner The Top Hummingbird Attracting Plants for Your Garden Leaves that Light Up the Garden - Variegated Plants Cutting Through the Jungle - Native Plants Myths and Realities When Should I Plant My Plants?
Explore Moon Valley Nurseries' cacti and agave. Add desert charm and drought-tolerant beauty to your landscape.
Just like in monocarpic palms, the entire growing point becomes the flower. This means the plant can no longer produce leaves to continue its growth. Plus, the plant expends a lot of energy to put out such a large flower. During the flowering stage, platelets begin to emerge from the ag...
classic champagne silver with ornate inner edge clear plexiglass cover to keep artwork clean and protected hanging cleat included for easy installation opens in a new tab sale +3 sizes available in 4 sizes 'green painted botanical succulent agave leaves' graphic art print by bungalow rose 24" h...