Agario is a fun addicting MMO game in which you have to eat or be eaten while you strive to dominate the World of colorful cells.
Matheus Valadares announced on 4chan on 28 April 2015. Matheus, a 19-year-old Brazilian developer, wrote the game in a few days using JavaScript and C++. The game was announced without a name and users had to connect to Valadares' IP address to play. It was only later that ...
Play Agario unblocked, you start as a small cell on the map. Eat smaller cells and avoid being eaten by larger ones in a strategic battle for survival and dominance.
Control your tiny cell and eat other players to grow larger! But watch out: players bigger than you will be trying to make you their lunch. Survive and eat long enough to become the biggest cell in the game! With new controls developed especially for touchscreens, offers the same...
Control your tiny cell and eat other players to grow larger! But watch out: players bigger than you will be trying to make you their lunch. Survive and eat long enough to become the biggest cell in the game! With new controls developed especially for touchscreens, offers the same...
Agario is unblocked private server where players can play through their browser. is a funny game, this mode called pvp.
Agario is popularity has spawned numerous unblocked game modes, like Teams and Experimental, offering variations on the core gameplay.
The browser game phenomenon comes to mobile!ゲーム情報 The browser game phenomenon comes to mobile! It's a cell-eating frenzy! もっと見る Agar.ioをPCでダウンロードする方法 1. MEmuインストーラーをダウンロードしてセットアップを完了する 2. MEmuを起動し、デスクトップでのPlayス...
游戏地址推荐agar.io中文游戏下载,也是在线体验哦) 把这个地址复制到你的浏览器地址栏里面,按下回车键,进入游戏 出现了这个界面,怎么办呢? 如图填写 填写完之后,按下Play即可开始游戏! 二、游戏控制 - 使用鼠标让你的琼脂移动 - 按下空格键分裂成为两个琼脂 ...
今天要推荐的这款游戏Agar.io已经连续在GooglePlay热门免费排行第一的位置霸榜一周了。(小木木也不知道这个游戏名该怎么读,即使会读也没啥卵用啦) 该游戏因为有趣的玩法和逗比的画面赢得众多玩家的喜爱,甚至在各大视频网站,包括国外YouTube都有游戏视频,其人气火热到这种程度想不登陆移动平台都难。