A Scientific
Suspend 45.3g/liter, add 10ml glycerol /liter,heat to boiling for 1min with shaking, autoclave (15min at 121℃).Cool to 50℃ and pour into Petri dishes. 称取本品 45.3g,加热溶解于1000ml 蒸馏水中, 加入甘油10ml,煮沸使混合均匀,分装三角瓶 ,121℃高压灭菌15分钟冷至50℃时,倾入无菌平皿备...
Suspend 39g/liter,autoclave(15min at 121℃).Allow to cool to 45-50℃;add ,where necessary,gentamicin sulphate corresponding to 20mg of gentamicin base and pour into Petridishes. 称取本品39.0g,加热搅拌溶解于1000ml蒸馏水中,分装三角瓶121℃高压灭菌15分钟,冷至45-50℃左右时,如果需要可加入过滤除...
Imediately after solidification of the medium, invert all Petri dishes in the anaerobic culture jar or anaerobic incubator at 37°C for 72 hrs ± 3 hrs. Count the colonies after incubation. Bifidobacterial colonies are recognized by their whitish colour and acetic acid odour. Some of the bifid...
Pre-poured Petri Dishes PK/10 Plates Malt Extract Agar Prepoured Dishes, sleeve of 10. Malt Extract Agar is an excellent culture medium used for cultivating molds and yeast, as well as mushroom cultures. Malt Extract Agar is great for science fair projects, home school experiments, school biol...
Pour 1/4 inch of liquid into each sterile petri dish, making sure to replace the cover immediately. The agar will form a stiff gel at room temperature, and the petri dishes will be ready for use.
Agar has a higher melting point than gelatin and is able to stay solid at temperatures that are optimal for bacterial growth [2][3]. By the 1890s, the culture media we know today, with Petri dishes, peptones and agar, were developed. However, many of the earlier methods continued to ...
A molecular biologist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine, she kept trying to grow colonies of fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) on petri dishes plated with nutrients. The lab uses the microbes to study what happens to DNA during cell division, but even...
1. To obtain direct counts of lactobacilli, pour 15-20 mL sterile, molten (45-50°C) Lactobacilli MRS Agar into sterile Petri dishes containing 1 mL volumes of diluted test sample. 2. Distribute the inoculum throughout the medium by rotating the plate in one direction and then in the reve...
本产品为氨苄抗性LB 琼脂平板(含100 μg/mL Ampicillin,60 µg/mL X-gal,0.1mM IPTG),平板规格为90×15 mm,培养基经121℃、20 min 高温灭菌,每块平板含25 mL的培养基。适用于一般细菌的培养,特别适用于分子生物学试验中大肠杆菌的保存和培养。本品免去了客户配置LB培养基过程中消耗的时间和精力,明显提高...