IST (India Standard Time) is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)6:30 am in Ganganagar, India is 1:00 am in Gayhurst, United Kingdom Ganganagar to Gayhurst call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 1:30pm-6pm in Ganganagar which corresp...
Currently:21 °C. Clear. (Weather station: Lahore Airport, India).See more current weather Ganganagar Extended Forecast with high and low temperatures °C Time Wind (km/h) Temp (°C) 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 3月2日 (日) – 3月8日 (六) ...
Alternative Names Reni, Taranagar, Tārānagar Population 29,392 Currency Rupee (INR) Geographic Coordinates 28° 40' N Latitude / 75° 01' E Longitude International Dialing Code +91 Reunion Time Offset:RET is 4 hours ahead Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and is used in Africa ...
Type: Town with 5,000 residents Description: town in Madhubani district, Bihar, India Categories: human settlement, border city and locality Location: Jainagar, Madhubani, Bihar, Plains, India, South Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMap...
More weather in India Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六 16 17 18 View historic weather 19 36 / 17 °C 20 36 / 19 °C 21 36 / 18 °C 22 36 / 18 °C 23 35 / 16 °C 24 38 / 15 °C ...
FarmingGracilaria duraGracilaria edulisGelidiella acerosaIn India, food-grade agar is produced from Gracilaria edulis while bacteriological-grade agar is extracted from Gelidiella acerosa. Agarose is directly obtained from Gracilaria dura. Seaweeds for agar...
Surendranagar is the administrative headquarters of the Surendranagar District, in Gujarat. Situated on Rajkot-Ahmedabad main route, it is a major center of cotton trade in the state. Surendranagar is about 110 km west of Ahmedabad. Major tourist attraction here is the ancient temple of Ranik...
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Have Create 3D Inorganic Models Such as Machineries ,Robots, Mechanical Parts, Structures .Also Make Textures on Existing 3D model to Present Better. Education Bishop Heber Higher Secondary School,TrichyDiploma in Mechatronics Engineering, Robotics, First Class with Distinction2016 – 2018Activities and ...