Will they chooser the same choices.Helen is the beauty, she represents the free of love. Helen is just a weak woman, even though she has a beautiful face. Every woman is eager to be a beauty, but the beauty of Helen brought her a series of disasters, “The beautiful woman suffered a...
After the end of the war, Agamemnon returned home, where Clytemnestra had started an affair with Aegisthus. The two of them plotted against Agamemnon and killed him, thus Aegisthus becoming the ruler of Mycenae again.Orestes, Agamemnon’s son, later avenged his father’s death by killing the ...
11.Some of these school exercises still survive: "Defend Romulus on the charge of having killed Remus", the kids were asked; or "Make a speech advising Agamemnon whether or not to sacrifice his daughter Iphigeneia". 12.In Icke’s “Oresteia,” mirroring the violence is never the intention...
Agamemnon (pronounced a-ga-mem'-non), was the leading king of the Greek forces in theTrojan War. He became king ofMycenaeby driving out his uncle, Thyestes, with the help of King Tyndareus of Sparta. Agamemnon was a son ofAtreus, the husband of Clytemnestra (a daughter of Tyndareus),...
Clytemnestra was then killed by her son, Orestes, with the help of his sister Electra, in revenge for his father’s murder. In Aeschylus’s play Agamemnon, part of his Oresteia trilogy, Clytemnestra is driven to murder Agamemnon partly to avenge the death of her daughter Iphigeneia, whom ...
s sacrifice of Iphigenia began a cycle of revenge killings that leads to Orestes’s murder of his mother, Clytemnestra, inElectra. Like all the killing inElectra, Agamemnon’s murder of Iphigenia was senseless and cruel, and Sophocles implies that his choice to kill his own daughter can’t ...
ThekingofMycenaeandleaderoftheGreeksintheTrojanWar,whowasthesonofAtreusandthefatherofOrestes,Electra,andIphigenia.HewaskilledbyhiswifeClytemnestrauponhisreturnfromTroy. AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHoughtonMifflinHarcourtPublishingCompany.PublishedbyHoughtonMifflinHarco...
Agamemnon andOresteia Agamemnon's story after the Trojan War is immortalized in a three-part series calledOresteia. His story doesn't last long as his wife Clytaemnestra is furious he brought home a concubine, Cassandra, and that he lied to her and killed their own daughter as a sacrifice....
The play presents the Greek mythology in which Agamemnon, king of Argos, united the Greek armed forces for a crusade against Troy and ended up being killed by his wife upon return to Greece for sacrificing his own daughter for the war. ...