Auto width #9186 terslada opened this issue Nov 4, 2024· 1 comment Comments terslada commented Nov 4, 2024 • edited Hello, I have a use case where I want to show the grid inside a modal and allow the grid to actually resize the modal. Id like to have it to fit the conten...
api.sizeColumnsToFit():根据内容自动调整所有列的宽度,使其适应容器的宽度。 api.autoSizeColumns(colIds):根据指定的列自动调整宽度,使其适应内容的宽度。 api.setColumnWidth(colKey, newWidth, finished):手动设置指定列的宽度。 监听容器大小变化并重新调整宽度:如果容器的大小会发生变化,例如窗口大小改变...
有没有什么东西能阻止这个事件的发生? <ag-grid-angular style="width: auto; height: 250px" [rowData]="tblData" [columnDefs]="tableHeaders" [gridOptions]="gridOptions" [d 浏览1提问于2019-12-13得票数 1 1回答 如何在ag-Grid中以编程方式选择多行? 、、、 我有一个行I数组,存储在tempSelected...
width: 120, }, { headerName: "车牌号", field: "carnumber", width: 100, }, { headerName: "挂车牌号", field: "trailernumer", width: 100, }, { headerName: "司机手机号", field: "drivertel", width: 100, }, { headerName: "装车件数", field: "orderCount", width: 100, },...
('table table-striped table-bordered'); var dgDistrict = $('#dgDistrict').dataTable({ processing: false,//加载显示loading... serverSide: true,//是否开启服务器模式 info: true,//分页信息, autoWidth: false,//必须设置为false,否则width无效 paging: true,//页码信息 ordering: true,//排序 ...
<el-card class="box-card" style="margin-left: 14px;width: 100%;float: right;"> <el-button class="buttonStyle" type="primary" plain @click="submitForm()" > 提交审核 </el-button> <ag-grid-vue class="table ag-theme-balham" v-show...
(1)采用width、min-width配置 const复制代码 { headerName: '序号', field: "id", width: 50, pinned: "left", }, ] (2) 自适应表格大小配置:[autoSizeStrategy] ini复制代码<ag-grid-vue :autoSizeStrategy="autoSizeStrategy" /* other grid options ... * /> </ag-grid-vue>
ag-grid配置⼦组件代码 <template> <!-- --> <ag-grid-vue :bodyScroll="bodyScroll":cellMouseOver="cellMouseOver":rowDataChanged="rowDataChanged":editType="gridParameter.editType || 'fullRow'":suppressClickEdit="gridParameter.suppressClickEdit":suppressRowClickSelection="gridParameter.suppres...
Now columns are resized but, every time row data is updated, the grid columns are resized back to the default width. Also on first render, the columns are first rendered to the default width and then rescaled when the autoSizeAllColumns() event is called. This causes a table "blinking" ...
constgridOptions={ref:'gridOptions',columnDefs:[{field:'checkout',headerName:'',minWidth:40,suppressColumnsToolPanel:true,maxWidth:40,checkboxSelection:true,headerCheckboxSelection:true,'pinned':'left'}]}复制代码 #field属性不可为空 一级表头,多级表头都不可为空,同一级表头field不可重复 ...