AstraZeneca Cambridge, UK. Our previous work identified a 12-amino acid peptide that targets the heart, termed cardiac targeting peptide (CTP).We now quantitatively assess the bio-distribution of CTP, show a clinical application with the imaging of the murine heart, and study its mechanisms of ...
BD Molecular Diagnostics SystemsBD - Becton, Dickinson and Company ClearVue* CoverslippersThermo Fisher Scientific Inc. FA-B series electronic analytic balanceSHANGHAI LONGWAY OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD.Organizers Hanson Wade 52 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0AU, London United Kingdom Tel: +44...
Calyxt, Inc. 于2010年1月8日在特拉华州注册成立,是Cellectis S.A.的全资子公司。该公司是以消费者为中心,以食品和农业为重点的公司。通过将其主要的基因编辑技术和技术专长与其创新的商业战略相结合,该公司正在开创一种范式转变,为消费者提供更健康的食品成分,为农民提供农业有利特征。该公司正在开发和开发特种食...
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According to David Davis, president and co-founder of Performance Plants Inc., technology can solve the problems of starvation in the 21st century if they were allowed to use it. The advancement of agricultural biotechnology has been slowed by social activists who advocate smaller-scale agriculture...
Proteo, Inc. / Proteo Biotech AG: Further rationale for Elafin treatment in newborn infants - convincing preclinical evidence in a neonatal pulmonary modelelafinUnn | United News Network Gmbh
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