The National Research Development Corporation's Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre at Visakhapatnam and National Physical Laboratory of New Delhi has transferred the technology to the Vizag-based Vyzag Bio-Energy Fuel Private Limited to manufacture the products on a commercial scale, according to ...
Guo-Qing Song, Michigan State University, USA Randy Allen, Oklahoma State University, USA Bastiaan Bargmann, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA Megan Kelly, University of Florida, USA Penny Hundleby & Tom Lawrenson, John Innes Centre, UK Gene Editing of Local ... 0001 2151 8157Packaging Materials DepartmentNational Research Centre 33 El-Bohouth St. (Formerly ElTahrir St.), Dokki P.O.12622 Giza EgyptFatma Mohamed Helmi 0004 0639 9286Conservation Department, Faculty of ...
Pharmaceutical Technology Department, National Research Centre, Dokii, Giza, EgyptDoaa H. El SherbinyDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Modern University for Technology and Information, Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 12613, Giza, Egypt...
Centre for Applied Research, Institute of Biotechnology, Saveetha School of Engineering (SSE), Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Thandalam, Chennai, IndiaKedari, G. S. R.Department of Biochemistry, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha...
In particular, land-atmosphere coupling strength, or the extent to which a precipitation-induced soil moisture anomaly influences the overlying atmosphere and thereby the evolution of weather and the generation of precipitation, is extremely weak in the Hadley Centre modeling system (HadAM3). The ...
Conclusion Tithonia diversifolia powder and extract were more lethal than bitter leaf ( V. amygdalina) and could be integrated as smoked fish protectant against hide beetle ( D. maculatus) .doi:10.1186/S42269-020-00470-1Kayode David IlekeSpringerOpenBulletin of the National Research Centre... 0004 0501 2828Department of Chemistry, Research and Development CentreSir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology 562 157 Bengaluru IndiaSrilatha Rao 0004 0501 2828Department of ChemistryNitte Meenakshi Institute of ...