Building a dream: a Texas ag teacher goes against the grain to help his students succeed in agriculture mechanics.Giannini, AnnaLisa
going all the way back to his days at the University of Texas at Austin, where his editor, Mark McKinnon (Showtime’s The Circus), taught him how to write a lead that people would read. His Pulitzer-winning publisher in Lufkin, Texas, Joe Murray, taught him that caring...
The son of a poor farmer Texas, he joined the Los Angeles police force in 1940. During his twenty-one years on the police force he earned a law degree by attending school at night. He was elected to the city council ten years ago. F. At the time of the Los Angeles election, ...
. . . Finding himself in warmhearted Jolie, Texas, Jake begins a new life. But all turns in the road lead to a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald. The course of history is about to be rewritten . . . and become heart-stoppingly suspenseful.In Stephen King’s "most ambitious and...