YAMAHA AG STOMP: EFFORTLESS MIC EMULATIONS.Evaluates the Yamaha AG Stomp acoustic guitar equipment. Capacity of the product to emulate eight microphone types; Flexibility of the product's sound output.ZaworskiDaveDownbeat
出售YAMAHA SLG110S表单吉他和YAMAHA AG STOMP效果器 美国背回来的,拆了包装就一直放着没用上,媳妇让腾地,只好出售。原装配件,原厂包。一直加温器琴油伺候。99新 YAMAHA AG STOMP效果器日本带回来的,正常使用痕迹,换了个220V的变压器,功能完好。 真相见相册 吉他3500接刀 效果器2800接刀 东西在北京朝阳北路 ...
Everything works as Yamaha intended and I can’t criticise the audio quality given what these things sell for. The lack of front-panel EQ or pan pots means the live applications of this ‘mixerface’ are limited, but even if you ignore the mixing and DSP effects side of things altogether...
if you are processing your guitar with effects in the CUBASIS, turning [MONITOR MUTE] off allows you to avoid hearing the dry signal from your guitar. On the other hand, if you are using external effects such as stomp boxes to create the guitar sound you are recording, turning [MONITOR ...
Space Machine: Yamaha AG-Stomp. (Bench Tests)Snapshot The Yamaha AG-Stomp ($649 retail/$399 street) combines a full-featured acoustic...Ellis, Andy