REF NO. FactoryNumberNumber A.B.S.3684736847 A.B.S.36847 OE36847OE APEC BRAKINGPAD775PAD775 BENDIX571855B571855B BOSCH0 986 461 7670986461767 BRAKE ENGINEERINGPA989PA989 DELPHILP868LP868 E.T.F.12-0591120591 FERODOFDB915FDB915 FERODOFSL915FSL915 ...
REF NO. FactoryNumberNumber A.B.S.3680936809 ATE607057607057 ATE13.0460-7057.213046070572 BENDIX571832B571832B BENDIXDB1299DB1299 BOSCH0 986 460 9690986460969 DELPHILP782LP782 FERODOFDB884FDB884 FERODOFQT884FQT884 FERODOFSL884FSL884 FMSI7528-D6487528D648 ...
PAULSTRA ? 30 mm - H 40 mm . REF. 511314 能控制其流量的装置。阀门是分流或溢流卸压等功能。用于流体控制的阀门,从简单的截止阀到极为复杂的自控系统中所用的各种阀输送系统中控制部件,用来改变通路断面和介质流动方向,具有导流、截止、节流、止回30℃的高温。阀门的控制可采用多种传动方式, 如手动、电动...
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3 of ref. 24. The microscopic reason for such a behavior is the cumulative electron hopping corresponding to the fact that with increasing thickness of the magnetic layer, the electrons can scatter not only with the nonmagnetic atoms of a spacer layer (Ag in our case) but also with magnetic...
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The Au:Ag of experimentally obtained Drude alloy data were taken from the ref. 3p3a.raMmidetdelresi(nas)ept liansdmicaatferesqthueenactoymωipcand ratios at which experimental measurements were performed. (delimited by the 75:50:50% lines for Au:Ag:Cu respectively) exhibits high plasma ...
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ISUZU Stylus RS1992 ISUZU Stylus XS1991 Engine ISUZU 4XE1-V ISUZU 4XE1-XUT REF NO. FactoryNumberNumber AISHINAS-G0**MASG0**M AKA-3**WKA3**WK AKAN-3**WKAN3**WK F.B.LAFP2**SAFP2**S FBKAF40**MAF40**M FMSI7393-D5**7393D5** ...
PONTIAC Sunbird1992-1994 PONTIAC Sunfire1995-2005 Engine BUICK LG7 CHEVROLET LGO CHEVROLET LHO CHEVROLET LN2 REF NO. FactoryNumberNumber A.B.S.3850638506 DELPHILP898LP898 E.T.F.12-0779120779 FMSI7385-D5067385D506 FMSID506D506 FMSID506-7385D5067385 ...