7.(Linguistics)linguisticsthe building up of words from component morphemes in such a way that these undergo little or no change of form or meaning in the process of combination Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
to oxidize aldehyde group to carboxyl group, with concomitant reduction of Ag+to silver mirror/film (Ag0), on the inner walls of the test tube1,2. The potential of this reaction has been exploited only in chemistry education—as a test to distinguish aldehydes from ketones—mainly due to ...
Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Szeged, Dóm sq. 7, Szeged, 6720, Hungary Albert Kéri, Ádám Bélteki, Gábor Galbács & Zsolt Geretovszky Contributions A.K.1 conceptualized the measurements, interpreted the experimental data, developed the theoretical model, and...
Today the term is totally without meaning. A Custom Knife is one in which the customer has either designed all or part of the knife OR a knife in which the customer has specified the materials in a makers own design. Selecting one of the listed handle materials in a makers catalog to ...
The diffusion of hydrogen through Pd-based materials has a potential of causing crystal distortion in the material structure. A study by Ungar (Ungár, 2004) outlined the physical meaning of the five basic parameters for XRD peak which are Peak position, peak shape, maximum intensity, symmetry ...
zeochem is a premiere manufacturer of chromatography gels and deuterium labelled compounds. rooted in switzerland, we have a culture of quality and customer service, meaning zeochem provides excellent, responsive service plus consistently top-quality product.our high performance silica gel has been used ...
Arylalkyl: the aryl-substituted analogues of the above alkyl radicals, wherein aryl likewise has the meaning attributed above, such as e.g. phenyl-C1-C4-alkyl radicals selected from among phenyl-methyl or phenyl-ethyl. Aryloxy: the oxygen-bonded analogues of the above optionally substituted aryl...
In still another aspect, R4 is of formula (II.5)wherein R6, R7 and R8 are as defined above for formula (II) Unless otherwise stated, the following terms as used in the specification have the following meaning.The term “cycloalkane” or cycloalkyl” contains from 3- to 7-ring carbon ...
On the Physical Meaning of the Segregation Coefficient Determined by Tracer Diffusion Measurements in the Harrinson's B- and C-Type Regimes: Results on Ag ... Radiotracer experiments on Ag grain boundary (GB) diffusion in Cu were carried out under the Harrinson's B- and C-type regimes and...
Exemplary prodrugs are, e.g., esters of free carboxylic acids and S-acyl and O-acyl derivatives of thiols, alcohols or phenols, wherein acyl has a meaning as defined herein. Preferred are pharmaceutically acceptable ester derivatives convertible by solvolysis under physiological conditions to the ...