gridApi.setFilterModel({ colId: { type:'contains', filter:'text'} });、 getFilterModel(): 获取当前的过滤模型。 const filterModel = gridApi.getFilterModel(); setSortModel(model): 设置排序模型。 gridApi.setSortModel([ { colId:'field', sort: 'asc'} ]); getSortModel(): 获取当前的...
ag-grid的setfiltermodel方法 ag-Grid的setFilterModel方法用于设置过滤器模型。该方法接受一个包含过滤器模型的对象作为参数,并根据该模型对数据进行过滤。 例如,使用setFilterModel方法设置一个简单的文本过滤器模型: var filterModel = { athlete: { type: 'contains', filter: 'John' } }; gridOptions.api....
只要我们去除过滤条件,ag grid就会将过滤模型设置为null,因此gridOptions.api.getFilterModel();不会返回任何内容。 要记住哪个过滤器被触摸(通过UI或编程),我们需要监听onFiltermodified事件,因为ag grid首先修改过滤器(当我们删除条件时),然后应用它(更改)。因此您可以侦听此事件,并可以将columnId保存在某个变量中,...
sortState: this.gridOptions.api.getSortModel(), filterState: this.gridOptions.api.getFilterModel(), }; // this.$store.dispatch('saveGridColumnState', columnSendState) localStorage.setItem( `${this.gridStyleKey}_${value}`, JSON.stringify(columnSendState) ); const saveGridStyle = { url: "...
在ag-grid中有没有为过滤器设置配对键值的表单?(向用户显示与在filterModel中设置的值不同的值) filterParams: { values: { tyt: "Toyota", frd: "Ford", prs: "Porsche", nss: "Nissan" }, } filterParams: { values: ["Toyota", "Ford", "Porsche", " 浏览4提问于2019-02-05得票数 0 ...
Example: Get / Set All Filter Models The example below shows getting and setting all the filter models in action. Save Filter Modelsaves the current filter state, which will then be displayed. Restore Saved Filter Modelrestores the saved filter state back into the grid. ...
|isAnyFilterPresent()| 是否使用过滤器 | |getFilterInstance(col, callback)| 获取过滤器实例 | |getFilterModel()| 获取所有过滤状态 | |setFilterModel(model)| 设置过滤状态 | |onFilterChanged()| 通知表格过滤器已更改 | |destroyFilter()| 销毁过滤器 | ...
通过setFilterValues设置筛选器的值 setFilterValues(type:string){constinstance=this.gridApi.getFilterInstance<ISetFilter>(colour)!;instance.setFilterValues(['2','5','3']);instance.applyModel();this.gridApi.onFilterChanged();}
I want filter some Data use setModel and onFilterChanged function,but it's not working. how to do some thing to make it working? code: var countryFilterComponent = gridApi.getFilterInstance('fieldA'); const model = countryFilterComponent.getModel(); countryFilterComponent.setModel({ filter...
Filter components allow you to add your own filter types to AG Grid. Use them when the Provided Filters do not meet your requirements. Download AG Grid v32.3.0 today: The best React Table & React Data Grid in the world.