Column Filters are applied to the JavaScript table data at the column level. Use one of the provided column filters or define a custom column filter. Download AG Grid v32.3.0 today: The best JavaScript Table & JavaScript Data Grid in the world.
在Ag-Grid中,当column被定义为可编辑时,可以通过设置floatingFilter属性为false来使浮动行不可编辑。 floatingFilter属性用于定义是否在浮动行中显示过滤器。当设置为true时,浮动行将显示过滤器,并且可编辑。当设置为false时,浮动行将不显示过滤器,并且不可编辑。 以下是一个示例代码: 代码...
<AgGridColumn>组件是Ag-Grid库中的一个组件,用于定义表格中的列。它是Ag-GridReact库中的一个子组件,用于在React应用中创建可定制的表格。 columnDefs prop是AgGridReact组件的一个属性,用于定义表格的列配置。它接受一个数组,每个数组元素代表一个列的配置。每个列配置对象可以包含以下属性: headerName:列的标...
Applying Filters Filter API Custom Column Filters Floating Filters Custom Floating Filters Advanced Filter(e) External Filter Quick Filter Cell Selection(e) Range Handle(e) Fill Handle(e) API Reference(e) Rich Select Editor(e) Advanced Features ...
{headerName:'姓名',field:'userName',suppressMenu:false,filter:'agTextColumnFilter',// agTextColumnFilterwidth:80,sortable:true// 开启排序}, agGird支持的检索格式有: Vue Data Grid: Column Filter ( 检索预览 使用简单的检索框 ...
columnApi: [], //定义ag-grid列 columnDefs: [], //ag-grid需要显示的数据 rowData: [], //ag-grid列表右侧的过滤器 sideBar: [], //存放多选框选中的数据 selectRows: [], // 当输入sql错误和结果集为0的时候不显示aggrid表格 isSee: true, ...
Group Column Filter The Group Column Filter provides a simple way to configure filters on group columns. Filters are defined on the underlying columns as they would be without Row Grouping. The Group Column Filter re-uses those filters in the group columns (for the columns included in the grou...
Here's how our grid looks with multiple filters and grouping enabled: Features In addition to the standard set of features you'd expect from any grid: Column Interactions (resize, reorder, and pin columns) Pagination Sorting Row Selection ...
|floatingFiltersHeight| 浮动过滤器高度 | 20 | |pivotHeaderHeight| 浮动过滤器高度,不设置时使用headerHeight | | |pivotGroupHeaderHeight| 浮动过滤器高度,不设置时使用groupHeaderHeight | | 行组 |属性 | 描述 | 默认值 | 属性值 | |--- | --- | --- | --- | |group...
Here's how our grid looks with multiple filters and grouping enabled: In addition to the standard set of features you'd expect from any grid: Column Interactions (resize, reorder, and pin columns) Pagination Sorting Row Selection Here are some of the features that make AG Grid stand out: ...