To do this, set autoHeight=true on each column where height should be calculated from. For example, if one column is showing description text over multiple lines, then you may choose to select only that column to determine the line height....
but if for example, and without modifying the grid at all, I go to another tab/view and come back, the grid is still there with the data but the columns are again as per default (not column-fitted) so I have to manually invoke that method again. Has anybody a better solution for t...
0.74.8ag-Grid VS Jspreadsheet Pro Jspreadsheet Pro | The javascript spreadsheet * Code Quality Rankingsand insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify. They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest. Do you think we are missing an alternative of ag-Grid or a related project?
When using Tree Data and filters, the aggregates are only calculated from the rows which pass the filter. This can be changed by enabling the grid option suppressAggFilteredOnly. The example below has a filter applied resulting in only one of the Documents children being displayed. Note that ...
5 import { AgGridColumn } from "./ag-grid-column.component"; 6 export declare class AgGridAngular implements AfterViewInit { 7 private viewContainerRef; 8 private angularFrameworkOverrides; 9 private frameworkComponentWrapper; 10 private componentFactoryResolver; 11 private _nativeElement; ...
==false){event.api.setHeaderHeight(MIN_HEIGHT);constheaderCells=document.querySelectorAll('#myGrid .ag-header-cell-label');letminHeight=MIN_HEIGHT;headerCells.forEach(cell=>{minHeight=Math.max(minHeight,cell.scrollHeight);});// set header height to calculated height + padding (top: 8px, ...
To investigate the sensing performance at small strain (<0.1%), the crack-based sensors were periodically strained using bending and then allowed to recover, as shown in Fig.3a. The strain applied to the sensing devices was precisely calculated from the bending degree of the substrate (Fig.S3...
For example, we use built-in functions such as ST_MinX() to calculate summaries for "bbox" table, geometry column "geom". In this case we expect the calculated quantities to match the coordinates/boundaries of the bounding box:res <- gpkg_ogr_query(g, "SELECT ST_MinX(geom) AS xmin,...
Popup menus/editors will have their position correctly calculated as seen in the docs: https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-context-menu/#popup-parent.Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions Create a new grid using the AgGridVue component with the minimum required configuration and...