and CoBank to give farmers access to a set of equipment financing options using the Internet in the United States. Introduction of the iVesta Financial Solutions in Johnston, Iowa; Availability of financing through lenders that are part of the network managed by iVesta; Services provided by i...
Net cash used in investing activities from continuing operations in the first quarter of the 2011 fiscal year amounted to €130 million, of which €122 million related to the purchase of property, plant and equipment. Disbursements for the repurchase of convertible bond...
–1 443 54 1.933 291 0 1.049 2 09 1 01 43 0 108 –21 0 –42 316 0 1,125 127 54 808 115 30 782 Property, plant and equipment are capitalised at the cost of acquisition or manufacture and depreciated on a straight line basis in line with the probable economic life of the asset....
And we have recently begun taking a closer look at personal protective equipment in the broad- est sense – from reflective vests to fire boots and even tents – in a modern testing center in Leipzig. With a 60 percent larger space and new testing equipment here, we have created all the ...
Equipment Purchase Livestock Purchase Acres County Nearest Town Loan Amount Requested Locations How did you hear about us? Newspaper Radio Television Brochure Internet Search Engine Direct Mail Billboard Loan Officer Contact Referral Expo / Tradeshow Message CAPTCHA In...
Charging must be accessible, and the applications for new versions of farm equipment must be wide for adoption to make sense. Internet access is also a challenge in rural areas, as high-speed connections must be available for many autonomous applications to function reliably. Organiza...
Production costs comprise, in addition to direct costs, an appropriate portion of production and material overheads and depreciation of property, plant and equipment. General administration expenses, expenses for social facilities, voluntary social costs and company pension scheme costs are not cap...
As part of this discussion, it was noted that the ad hoc committee of bondholders wanted time to put a plan forward, that they are “actively working on the financing and need time for equity holder involvement,” said Haar. “On this equity committee request, there will never be an equi...
Keep your equipment and software updated and using anti-virus and anti-spyware software When you have completed your online session, be sure to log out and close browser Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi networks, particular to your financial accounts or email accounts, as public Wi-Fi ...
20050262000Fixed rate financing instrument offering a dividend or partially guaranteed by third party to issuance, method for establishing a market for the same, method for directly public-offering the same on-lineNovember, 2005Sato 20050197950Network auction system and method2005-09-08Moya et al.705...