Information and technical assistance provided by the cooperatives to farmers and their families; Other organizations involved in the effort; Features of the AIDS prevention programs.SchramAgSusanAgG.AgEBSCO_bspRural Cooperatives
Top 100 ag co-ops set sales, income records The nation's 100 largest agricultural cooperatives reported record sales revenue of $162 billion in 2012, an increase of almost 9 percent over 2011, when revenue totaled $148 billion (table 1). Net income for the 100 top co-ops also set ......
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According to the objection on the case docket, the six co-ops are: • Lone Star Milk Producers, Inc., based in Wichita Falls, Texas with 120 member farms in eight states, marketing 1.9 billion pounds of milk annually; • Agri-Mark Inc.,with 850 member farms in New England and New...
Top 100 Ag Co-ops Sales soar 9 percent over 2012[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] The nation's 100 largest agricultural...Eversull, EldonAli, SarahChesnick, DavidRural Cooperatives
INSET: Continental Dairy Products "top riser".WadsworthJamesEBSCO_AspRural Cooperatives
A Texas AgriLife Extension Service study that sampled 96 agricultural cooperatives across the state found that the co-ops generate $1.7 billion in annual sales and create 20,000 jobs. Agricultural cooperatives, which provide everything from livestock feed to apparel, are vital to rural economies, ...
Vandevender Wants More Ag Co-OpsHELENA - In his low-key race for governor, Libertarian Ron Vandevender says he wants to create...Johnson, Charles S