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[35] Holzbeierlein J, Lal P, LaTulippe E, et al. Gene expression analysis of human prostate carcinoma during hormonal therapy identifies androgen-responsive genes and mechanisms of therapy resistance. Am J Pathol 2004;...
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Lurking behind the debate on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is the phantom fear of the ownership of staple food resources. Corporate control and US domination may, in fact, be the real boogeyman. Most assuredly, there continues to be a level of concern about the impact of scientific alt...
【2】Darcy, E., Leonard, P., Fitzgerald, J., Danaher, M., Ma, H.,O’Kennedy, R. (2017). Purification of Antibodies Using Affinity Chromatography.In: Walls, D., Loughran, S. (eds) Protein Chromatography. Methods in MolecularBiology, vol 1485. Humana Press, New York, NY.https://do...