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已知函数f(x)在(-∞,∞)上有定义,在X=0点可微,并且f(0)=1,f(0)=af(xy)=f(x)f(y),xy∈(-∞∞验证f(x)处处存在任意阶导数,并求出f(x) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 解:根据导数定义和f(x)的已知性质,计算 f'(x)=lim_(h→0)(f(x+h)-f(x))/h=lim_(h→0)(f(x)[f...
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Mishev (2008), Application of afxy-code for parameterization of ionization yield function Y in the atmosphere for primary cosmic ray protons, arXiv:0712.3174 [physics.space-ph].Alexandrov, L., and A. Mishev (2008), Application of afxy-code for parameteriza- tion of ionization yield function...
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