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ENTER YOUR DATE OF BIRTH Description World War Z: Aftermath is the ultimate co-op zombie shooter inspired by Paramount Pictures’ blockbuster film, and the next evolution of the original hit World War Z that has now captivated over 15 million players. Turn the tide of the zombie apocalypse on...
World War Z: Aftermath Upgrade HK$154.00 描述 《末日之戰:劫後餘生》是一款製作精良的合作類僵屍射擊遊戲,遊戲的靈感源自於派拉蒙影業公司拍攝的熱門影片,同時也是對《末日之戰》的再度升級,原作吸引的玩家高達2000萬之多。玩家可在PC和主機端跨平台遊戲,對抗成群結隊的僵屍,拯救僵屍圍城的殘破世界。你可以邀請最...
World War Z: Aftermath Upgrade SG$29.25 Description World War Z: Aftermath is the ultimate co-op zombie shooter based on Paramount Pictures’ blockbuster film, and the next evolution of the original hit World War Z that has now captivated over 20 million players. Turn the tide of the zombie...
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The ultimate upgrade for Surviving the Aftermath owners that are looking to take their colony to the next level. The Ultimate Upgrade includes the Expansion Pass and exclusive in-game content. The Ultimate Colony Upgrade includes ◾Surviving the After
1 joueur Légère violence, Violence implicite Avis Surviving the Aftermath: Ultimate Colony Upgrade Avis global des joueurs 4.73Moyenne des avis : 4.73 étoiles sur 5 (15 avis) 15 avis 73 % 27 % 0 % 0 % 0 % Informations sur le jeu et mentions légales ...
Or forty of them, since that’s the going price for the upgrade.What’s especially sweet about this is that they got Peter Weller to voice the character! I’m already... See full article at Den of Geek 5/7/2020 by Gavin Jasper Den of Geek...