World War I (“The Great War”) toppled empires, created new nations, and sparked tensions that would explode across future years. On the battlefield, gruesome modern weaponry wrecked an entire generation of young men. The United States entered the conflict in 1917 and was never again the sa...
With a focus on naval warfare, you’ll engage in the daredevil Zeebrugge Raid and the Gallipoli Offensive, with the British Royal Marines as a new playable faction. Prepare for new maps, weapons, vehicles and other content as you take on the amphibious expeditions of World War 1. Learn ...
The First World War-era ensign will be part of a wider exhibition focusing on the history of the famous skull and crossbones-style flag. Traditionally associated with 17th– and 18th-century pirates, the Jolly Roger has featured on Royal Navy submarines for more than 100 years. The tradition ...