A CHICAGO BLIZZARD People of Chicago slip and slid about on icy pavements during a blizzard. AFTERMATH - THE WAKE OF WAR (aka AFTERMATH) Footage of large crowds looking at the damaged buildings in Dublin, Ireland (Eire). SINGAPORE: AFTERMATH OF RIOTS IN COLLEGE FOLLOWING SIT-IN DEMONSTRATION ...
Now the sad reminder of the brokenness of creation has been brought much closer to home. Devastation covers the shores, not of some far away land with unfamiliar names, but of Louisiana and Mississippi. Many of us know people who have been hurt by the hurricane and its aftermath. All of ...
“The ability of humans to accurately identify deception based on behaviors is the same, roughly — essentially the same as chance — slightly greater than chance — 54 percent,” Stephen Lord, director of the Office of Homeland Security, said in testimony last Thursday before a House subcommitte...
U.S. servicemen during the so-calledZoot Suit Riots, reflecting the department’s history of hostility toward Hispanics (Latinos). Regular harassment ofhomosexualsandtransgenderpersons by police inNew York Cityculminated in 1969 in theStonewall riots, which were triggered by a police raid on a gay...
At home, the United States grappled with harsh postwar realities. Racial tensions culminated in the Red Summer of 1919 when violence broke out in at least twenty-five cities, including Chicago and Washington, D.C. The riots originated from wartime racial tensions. Industrial war production and ...
Inter-race soccer and the 1960 riots in Durban, South Africa This article discusses the inauguration of inter-race tournaments, the riots themselves, and the aftermath of the riots. A key argument is that the riots played an important role in bringing about non-racial football in South Africa...
Chicago became the center of the jazz world during these years, particularly among the fabled nightclubs of the South Side.;Chapter four discusses the emergence of the most successful hard-boiled pulp magazine Black Mask, which began in 1920 as nothing more than a money maker meant to support...
In addition to these deleterious effects of drinking cow’s milk, it is important to note that all of American milk is genetically contaminated by bovine growth hormone (rBGH) to increase production unless it is clearly labelled “NO rBGH.” Monsanto Co., the manufacturer of rBGH, has influenc...