Morocco is facing significant costs and challenges in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that struck on September 8th. The death toll has risen to nearly 3,000, with thousands more injured. The earthquake caused extensive damage to villages and houses, leaving tens of thousands of people ...
Urgent call to action: Supporting Morocco in the aftermath of the recent earthquakedoi:10.7189/jogh.13.03065MOROCCOSOCIAL supportINTERNATIONAL relationsHUMANITARIANISMMENTAL healthCOMPASSIONNATURAL disastersENDOWMENTSOduoye, Malik OlatundeUr Rehman, Latif
Japanese in full: Hanshin-Awaji Daishinsai (“Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster”) Date: January 17, 1995 Location: Japan Kōbe Ōsaka Ōsaka-Kōbe metropolitan area See all related content Kōbe earthquake of 1995, (Jan. 17, 1995) large-scaleearthquakein theŌsaka-Kōbe (Hanshin) metr...