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We continue with a discussion of how substance use treatment provided within the federal system, drug use patterns, and responses to drug use create methodological difficulties in adequately assessing the effectiveness of aftercare services. Taking into account both the previous research on aftercare and...
Washington, DC, United States Department of Justice, December, 1998.Research Preview: Reintegrating juvenile offenders into the community: OJJDP's intensive community-based aftercare demonstration program. Office of Justice Pro- grams. National Institute of Justice. Washington, DC, U...
In E. A. Balcerzak (Ed.), Group care of children: Transitions towards the year 2000 . Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America.Jenson, J. M., & Whittaker, J. K. (1987). Parental involvement in children's residential treatment: From preplacement to aftercare. Children and Youth...
(2000). Implementation of the intensive community- based aftercare program (Bulletin). Washington, DC: Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.Wiebush R, McNulty B, and Le T (2000) Implementation of the intensive community-based aftercare pro- gram, Bulletin. ...