After World War II, the U.S. black civil rights issue since the first time since Reconstruction in the political arena back to the federal level. In the new situation, especially the rapid growth of the black power and consciousness in the case, President Truman in 1946 established a "Pres...
Chinese civil warIn January 1946, President Truman sent George Marshall to China to unite the U.S.-favored Chinese Nationalist Party, headed by Chiang Kai-shek, and the Chinese Communist Party, headed by Mao Tse-tung, in order to achieve a ceasefire and prevent a civil war. Marshall gained...
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, U.S. President Harry Truman and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill standing together before starting sessions at the Potsdam Conference in July 1945. In July of 1945, the “Big Three” met again at thePotsdam Conference. At Yalta, the Allies had agreed to a...
By 1948, continued pressure from reformers who argued that "a Jim Crow army could not stamp out Nazi race hatred" (p. 44) helped prompt an executive order from President Truman that began the process of desegregation. Schroer is careful not to overemphasize this victory. He points out that...
As part of FDR's Lend Lease, Yee came to America for advanced training, but he contracted tuberculosis, was hospitalized, and on a lark, he wrote a letter to U.S. President Harry Truman requesting to stay in the United States.
second world war, self-building since the United States of the black civil rights issues back to the political stage at the federal level for the first time. Under the new situation, in particular case of black power and the rapid growth of the consciousness, in 1946, President Truman esta...
residents dance the conga in Lafayette Park, waiting for President Truman to announce the surrender of Japan in World War II. Soldiers hug while being lifted onto the shoulders of a crowd on VJ Day, in Newark, New Jersey, August 18, 1945. U.S. servicemen in the sick bay of the S....
Museum of World War II Translation of aerial leaflet: "PURPOSE: To inform the Japanese of our interpretation of surrender, and what it will mean for the Japanese. COMMENT: President Truman's statement is used to assure the Japanese people that if the military clique is taken from power and ...
President Truman had earlier expressed concern that the State Department's approach to the Middle East was “anti-Semitic”: “they put the Jews in the same category as Chinamen and Negroes,” complained the President.[24]Evidently, his selected diplomatic representative didn't make the same mis...
Ismet Inönü, who succeeded Kemal as president in 1938, warily steered a neutral course through the first five years of World War II, although Turkey received lend-lease aid from the United States after 1941. Despite considerable Allied pressure,