This Oracle tutorial explains how to create an AFTER UPDATE Trigger in Oracle with syntax and examples. An AFTER UPDATE Trigger means that Oracle will fire this trigger after the UPDATE operation is executed.
This Oracle tutorial explains how to create an AFTER INSERT Trigger in Oracle with syntax and examples. An AFTER INSERT Trigger means that Oracle will fire this trigger after the INSERT operation is executed.
create after update triggerを使用して、次の方法でトリガーを作成します: キーワード create after update trigger 新しいafter-updateトリガーを作成します。 create or replace after update trigger after-updateトリガーを作成するか、同じ名前の既存のトリガーを置き換えます。 where <cube ...
Below is an excerpt from an AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER that I have created on the table carrier_rates. My goal here is to update information in the lowest_carrier_rates table based on the results of the SELECT from the carrier_rates table. The statement works just fine outside of my trigger ...
不,这是通过UPDATING()获取UPDATED列的最佳方法 你可以像这样使用隐式游标来修改代码,这样会快一点 ...
译:我们像下面这样创建一个DELETE UPDATE触发器: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER orders_after_delete AFTER DELETE ON orders FOR EACH ROW DECLARE v_username varchar2(10); BEGIN -- Find username of person performing the DELETE on the table SELECT user INTO v_username ...
I would like to set this field to SYSDATE whenever there is any Update to any record(s) in that table. So I've tried a trigger: Code: create trigger PSLET_INFORMATION_T AFTER UPDATE ON PSLET_INFORMATION FOR EACH ROW[highlight] begin[/highlight] :new.PSLET_RECORD_LAST_UPDATED := ...
1. 解释什么是Oracle数据库的触发器(trigger) Oracle数据库的触发器(Trigger)是一种特殊的存储过程,它会在数据库表上发生特定事件时自动执行。这些事件可以是INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE等操作。触发器可以定义在表级别,用于在数据修改时自动执行一些业务逻辑,例如数据验证、日志记录、自动计算字段值等。
(ORACLE考试题) 检查以下代码:CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER update_empAFTER UPDATE ON empBEGININSERT INTO audit_table (who, audited)VALUES(USER, SYSDATE);END;你对EMP表执行了一条Update语句,阻碍10行数据,那么将会在AUDIT_TABLE中增加多少行数据?(选择1项)...
CREATE TRIGGER Update_tblLoan_new AFTER UPDATE ON tblLoan FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (late = 1) THEN INSERT INTO tblLate (LoanID, MemberID ) VALUES (LoanID,MemberID); END IF; END; // Error I get is below. Not 100% but it looke like my code it trying toSET the late value into my...