值得一提的是,Vertigo Games同样也是大名鼎鼎的VR恐怖游戏「亚利桑那阳光」的开发商,由业界知名游戏团队亲自操刀,这使得玩家对「After the Fall」抱以了非常高的期望,团队在Reddit上表示:“我们在开发「亚利桑那阳光」的过程中获得了许多开发经验,我们将在保障同等游戏质量的基础上积极开拓「After the Fall」新玩法。”...
由业界知名游戏团队亲自操刀,这使得玩家对「After the Fall」抱以了非常高的期望,团队在Reddit上表示:“我们在开发「亚利桑那阳光」的过程中获得了许多开发经验,我们将在保障同等游戏质量的基础上积极开拓「After the Fall」新玩法。”
考虑到Vertigo Games的《亚利桑那阳光》已在该题材游戏中取得了巨大成功,团队在Reddit上谦虚地表示:“多年来我们从《亚利桑那阳光》中学到了很多东西,并试图确保合作模式同样令人兴奋,同时探索新的玩法,”
考虑到Vertigo Games的《亚利桑那阳光》已在该题材游戏中取得了巨大成功,团队在Reddit上谦虚地表示:“多年来我们从《亚利桑那阳光》中学到了很多东西,并试图确保合作模式同样令人兴奋,同时探索新的玩法,”
The story // is set // a few years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty. 2️⃣ ridicule[ˈrɪd.ə.kjuːl] 作动词,表示「嘲笑,奚落,戏弄」(to laugh atsomeone in an unkind way)。 我们来看一个美剧《无耻之徒》的例子:
Scot Adkins, an actor and martial artist, has an undisclosed role in the upcoming fourquel, but he's mysteriously completely absent from the trailer.Atwistedfanaticis the first to wonder about Adkins' whereabouts. The Redditor asks, "Where is Scott Adkins? I'd like him to have a substantia...
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在过去的一年里,Vertigo Games对其即将推出的VR射击大作《After the Fall》始终三缄其口。尽管玩家都在翘首以盼,但官方的消息却总是惜字如金。不过,这种情况在两周前却得到了根本新改变:开发商不但发布了宣传短片,并确认其将在今年夏天推出,最近又放出了几张GIF动图,向玩家展......
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Reddit saved me after my dad died Sometimes you find comfort in the place you'd least expect by Dylan Haas My dad died on a September afternoon, while I was going through the motions of another boring lunch shift as the maître d' at a bougie hotel restaurant in the Financial District...