《After the Fall》游戏特色 探索您的战斗风格 不论是使用各式的致命武器,或是破坏性十足的强大力量时,都能拥有绝佳的沉浸感。 强大敌人 在一大群残暴敌人的攻击下存活、或是利用战术击败特殊敌人,并在迎战体型高大的头目随机应变。 激烈的多人合作动作游戏 单枪匹马或跨平台 4 人组队合作,探索《亚利桑那阳光》...
在這4人協力動作第一人稱射擊遊戲 (FPS) 裡,有身歷其境的驚險刺激之旅等著各位來挑戰。 今天我們將在新影片中分享有關《After the Fall》的多樣元素細節,包括遊戲世界、內中敵人以及玩家可用來對付牠們的戰鬥選項: Play Video 《After the Fall》締造沉浸式驚險之旅,主打快節奏4人協力動作,以1980年代浩劫過後的...
Compra After the Fall en PlayStation Store. De la mano de los creadores del exitoso shooter de realidad virtual Arizona Sunshine llega un FPS multijugador de acción en RV centrado en juego cooperativo sin interrupciones.
PlayStation VR2 required View All Blood and Gore, Language, Violence Editions: Standard Edition PS4PS5 After the Fall® - Complete Edition $29.99 Deluxe Edition PS4PS5 After the Fall® - Complete Edition "Ultimate Buster" weapon & outfit skin ...
【中商原版】After the Fall: A Play in Two Acts (Penguin Plays) 阿瑟·米勒:堕落之后 企鹅兰登封面展 企鹅戏剧系列,阿瑟·米勒作品 分享服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 发货地;货源地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(47) 物流很快(17) 坚固耐用(9) 包装很好(...
The only time she’d been here was when Colleen was in low spirits, when her husband canceled their Vegas trip because it would look bad if he took time off during his company’s re-org. Colleen had shanghaied some younger guys to play cards, draining and flipping every shot glass they...
Buy the After the Fall® digital version for PS4™ from PlayStation™Store to get the After the Fall® digital version for PS5™ at no extra cost.From the creators of Arizona Sunshine® comes an epic VR action FPS with intense co-op gameplay at its core that pits up to 4 pl...
(VRPinea 12月3日讯)今日重点新闻:游戏风险投资公司Play Ventures,推出名为Play Future Fund的新基金,并投资7500万美元,将致力于推进游戏与区块链技术相结合的项目;VR僵尸射击游戏《After The Fall》将于12月10日,登陆Oculus Quest 2、PC VR和PS VR;《Beat Saber》可以在同一个Quest设备之间共享,不需要...
“It has been great working with the SIE team, which has allowed us to integrate a number of PS VR2 features into After the Fall to create the best VR co-op apocalypse on the PlayStation®5 console,” said Alastair Burns, Producer at Vertigo Games. “Wielding P...
In the fall of 2000, I visited the JMSDF Sub Area Activity Hanshin in Kobe; I had been asked to give a lecture to theSuikōkaimembers living in the Kansai area. Soon after arriving, I was greeted by Rear Admiral Kōichi Furushō, commander of Sub Area Activity Hanshin. Eight years earli...